Program do benchmarkingu cen transferowych

We provide pre-matched data, after a sharp selection has been made based on the following criteria:
- Nace Code
- maximum shareholding
- minimum and maximum turnover
- legal form
- elimination of loss
- availability of financial data for the years under review
- elimination of entities in liquidation, bankruptcy, restructuring, restructuring bankruptcy

Data is provided on an on-demand basis. This means that you pay only for the data you actually need.
Such a selected group most often contains <100 entities (simply more entities do not meet the criteria for sharp selection according to precisely specified parameters). Based on the selected population of entities user only performs a qualitative analysis, in order to select the final comparison group.

An unquestionable advantage of our program is the ability to edit the source data:
- possibility to combine Nace codes
- possibility to carry out correction of extreme deviations
- bringing comparability by making corrections, e.g. "cleansing" the result from commodity transactions in the case of production companies
- the program allows you to take into account the segmentation of the financial result
- the possibility of combining the deductive and additive method during selection of entities

The user performs only qualitative analysis of entities if does not interfere with the source data, or works on an Excel file if he wants to make edits to the source data. No any specialized knowledge of IT or statistical knowledge.

The results are presented in an unambiguous, very clear manner.
We use only the functions that are needed - the standard we count only five indicators - financial ratios - those that are most often used by tax authorities tax authorities during their transfer pricing audits.

analizy porównawcze cen transferowych benchmarking TP przykłady benchmarking ceny transferowe jak zrobić ceny transferowe Transfer Pricing